Title: 5 Nights with Timokha 3
Genre: Action
Developer: Heartland Studio
Version: 1.15
Size: 300 MB
Mod: Mega Menu
You can download cheats for 5 Nights with Timokha 3 on our website for free. Hurry up and download the game update and enjoy it to the fullest!
Forget everything you thought you knew about saving the world. 5 Nights with Timokha 3: City will change your mind! An epic confrontation with dark forces awaits you. Your friend is in trouble, and only you can help him. Timokha, the embodiment of evil, who survived the battle, goes hunting. And his target is you.
But you are not alone. Gennady comes to the rescue, ready for battle no less than you. In his laboratory, a new device has been developed, a super-ray, capable of creating clones of Timokha. This is your chance to turn the enemy army into an instrument of your victory. But be careful: among thousands of copies, you need to recognize the real Timokha.
Your arsenal is the PIE-SHOOTER. This is not just a weapon, it is your opportunity to fight the darkness deliciously and effectively. Each pie fired from your pie-shooter brings with it the hope of salvation. Your task is to shoot the clones and not let the real Timokha get closer.
Before downloading, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the key advantages of this project.
- Exciting and dynamic gameplay.
- Simple and clear control.
- The presence of an interesting plot.
- Lots of activities and quests.
- Constantly increasing complexity.
- Regular content updates.
The game has cheats that will give you an advantage in the fight.
- Timokha’s endless hunger will force him to constantly search for pies, which will give you time to counterattack.
- Gena’s endless thirst is your chance to keep him in combat readiness at all times.
- Endless pies – they will be your inexhaustible ammunition.
- Endless tea will help you stay awake all night.
- Immortality and infinite fuel will provide you with invulnerability and the possibility of long chases.
- Game without advertising – for full immersion in the rescue process.
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Get ready for battle. 5 Nights with Timokha 3 is waiting for its hero. Download the latest version of the game and cheats to fully experience the adrenaline and become the savior of your friend and all of Psinograd from the sinister Timokha. Be prepared for nights full of dangers and heroic deeds!