Title: LEGO Builder’s Journey
Genre: Simulation
Developer: Mojang
Version: 1.1.0
Size: 150 MB
Mod: Full version
LEGO Builder’s Journey is now available for download on Android! This exciting game for mobile devices will please all fans of the cartoon universe. Download it right now and enjoy the adventures.
What do we know about the LEGO constructor? Well, at least that it is the most popular and sought-after item in the toy and puzzle industry, released in the distant 90s. It has significantly succeeded in all parameters and bypassed competitors, and today entire games for PC and Android are being invented based on this universe. LEGO Builders Journey is one of the most addictive puzzles of 2019, which amazed the world with its detailed development of the world. Download the new update from us, and now let’s look at the key features of the gameplay.
The main character was recently basking in the sun, but everything has changed dramatically. He has lost touch with his family, as well as with a piece of his soul. Now he has to go on a long campaign consisting of 20+ missions. The game mechanics are radically different from other projects in this line. Instead of large open worlds or battles, you just have to sort through the parts from the constructor, selecting the given options. The faster you cope with the conditions, the more rewards you will be able to receive.
Everything in this game is based on logical puzzles, which you will have to cope with from the very first minutes. The game will constantly test all your skills and talents, demanding more and more. Also, the game has an exclusively single-player mode, so you will have fun and solve problems completely alone. We suggest you download the new update right now to turn your Android into a machine for generating unique puzzles. And most importantly – solve them all without sorting!
Before downloading, let’s look at the key advantages of this project:
- A new unique strategy with a familiar universe.
- Low system requirements.
- Simple and clear control.
- A gorgeous single-player campaign consisting of 34 missions.
- Regular updates from the author.
- Emphasis on logic, tactics and intelligence.
- And much more.
Download link
You can download the new game update on our portal today.