Fake Father 0.10b on Android (18+)

Title: Fake Father
Genre: Visual novels
Developer: netero3009
Version: 0.10b
Size: 520 MB
Mod: Full Version

Fake Father is a captivating visual novel that takes you on a thrilling journey through the life of an old man whose existence has been reduced to that of a dispossessed wanderer yearning to end his suffering. However, a fateful accident changes the course of his life, leading to an encounter with his doppelganger, who offers a unique opportunity to escape his miserable existence.

Fake Father

Game process

Fake Father APK is based on the central character, an old man whose life is filled with misfortune and despair. As players become immersed in the narrative, they witness the devastating consequences of his past decisions and the resulting isolation and devastation he experiences. The vividly depicted portrayal of a broken life sets the stage for intriguing events to unfold.

After a chance meeting of the main character with his double, the narrative takes an unexpected turn. When an old man is given an unusual proposal, he gets the opportunity to assume the identity of his double and live a completely new life. This twist of fate serves as a catalyst for deep introspection and raises moral dilemmas that players must grapple with throughout the game.

Fake Father


Before downloading, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the key advantages of this project.

Become an impostor

Taking on the identity of his doppelgänger, the protagonist ventures into uncharted territory by assuming someone else’s identity. The challenges of maintaining this charade become a central element of the game, as players must skillfully manage interactions with his doppelgänger’s wife and three beautiful daughters. The delicate balance between maintaining a façade and confronting the consequences of deception adds tension and complexity to the storyline.

Life in a new family

Living under the guise of his double, the main character finds himself immersed in a web of complex relationships. Interactions with his doppelganger’s wife and daughters become a key element of the narrative, exploring themes of love, loyalty and the consequences of the choices we make. The character development and emotional depth of the relationships in the game create an immersive experience.

Atonement and reflection

As the story progresses, the main character struggles with the consequences of his actions and the impact they have on the lives of those around him. APK Fake Father provides opportunities for personal growth and redemption, encouraging reflection on the nature of identity, the power of choice, and the ability to find redemption even in the most unexpected circumstances.

Fake Father

Fake Father is a visual novel that captures the essence of a broken life seeking redemption through an exploration of identity and the consequences of deception. With a gripping storyline, complex character development, and thought-provoking themes, the game offers a unique and engaging experience. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, moral choices, and unexpected twists as you navigate a complex world!

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