Thief Simulator 2 Prologue APK (New Version 2023)

Title: Thief Simulator 2 Prologue
Genre: Simulations
Developer: CookieDev
Version: 1.0
Size: 20 MB
Mod: Full Version

Thief Simulator 2 Prologue is a new version of the exciting thief simulator. Download the prologue and enjoy new events and adventures!

Thief Simulator 2 Prologue

Game process

To learn the craft of a thief, you will have to practice petty theft. This way, you will gain the experience necessary to gain access to increasingly risky and more profitable jobs, and after them, more significant gifts await you. If you can find a way to steal them, Thief Simulator 2 will take you into a world of valuables, expensive cars and rustling banknotes.

As you progress, you will be able to unlock new opportunities and gain useful tools. Thanks to new skills, you will be able to obtain expensive items that you can later sell on the black market. Your tools of the trade include a crowbar and binoculars, as well as advanced equipment that becomes available as you progress, such as a laptop for hacking security systems.

You’ll be able to steal money, valuables, and other items from two unique locations in Thief Simulator 2, including houses, banks, restaurants, and more. Then you just need to prepare a strategy and the time is up. Before you do this, find out what the building looks like: when it is empty, when its occupants are usually on vacation, and when employees are on vacation.

Thief Simulator 2 Prologue


Before downloading, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the key advantages of this project.

Choosing what to steal and what to leave behind

It won’t take you long to figure out which items to take and which to leave. Will you be able to handle the pressure or will you start to panic?

Car theft – the beginning of your journey

Work on the theft in between robbing buildings. Start with small family cars and gradually learn how to drive them so you can steal the coolest sports cars.

The most important thing is to remain unnoticed

Don’t get caught. Stay one step ahead of law enforcement. Even the best laid plans can go awry, and the police are just waiting to handcuff you.

Thief Simulator 2 Prologue

Over 20 houses to hack in two areas. Study the tenants’ daily routine, choose the right moment to break in, and then rob them.
Three robberies with unique locations. Find a resort full of loot, a warehouse full of guards, and a bank full of gold.
From crowbars to binoculars, hacking laptops and stethoscopes, you’ll get better and better tools.
If you want to sneak into houses undetected, run in with a baton and knock everyone out, or use sleeping gas or a tranquilizer gun to put them to sleep.
Rob certain locations within a certain period of time using pay phone missions.
Over 15 contracts requiring the theft of unique items.
Your thief will level up as he learns new skills, allowing him to use a wide range of new abilities.
Get away from the police – intense chases with police cars and helicopters. Be careful not to get shot.
Change the color of your car, give it more power or buy a sports car and you will be unstoppable.
The first car you should steal is a small family sedan, and then you should work your way to your dream sports car.

Thief Simulator 2 Prologue APK is an Android Application that is available on our source. You can download the full version today and become the best robber of the century!

Download Thief Simulator 2 Prologue APK (New Version 2023)


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